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Ministry of Economic Affairs Energy Conservation Benchmarking Certification in 2023

To further the cause of energy conservation and in response to the growing demand for energy-efficient solutions, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) is actively promoting the establishment of an energy auditing and management system. This initiative aims to enhance energy efficiency, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and synchronize with summer electricity conservation measures. By encouraging industries to amplify their energy conservation practices, the goal is to reduce peak electricity consumption during the hottest months. To recognize and honor both public and private enterprises exhibiting exceptional performance in this area, MOEA has instituted the Energy Conservation Benchmarking Award.

Hotel Garden's Commitment

Hotel Garden is unwavering in its dedication to energy conservation. We endeavor to extend the benefits of our guests' experiences to ecological and societal planes. Our vision is to coexist harmoniously with nature, curtail carbon emissions, and lessen the environmental footprint. By diminishing the environmental impact from dining and travel activities, we aim to ensure that the joy of the journey is minimally intrusive to our world. Anchored in the philosophy of local symbiosis and mutual prosperity, our profound mission is to weave value creation with social and environmental responsibility.

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